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What Price Peace

War is an expensive endeavor, whether in cost of military (personnel and hardware) or civilian (lives and/or property injured or destroyed). Two active areas of present concern are Ukraine vs Russia and Israel vs Hamas (Gaza) and Hezbollah (of Iranian support). Both are proxy engagements involving the attention of the United States and it’s allies at their best level of diplomatic persuasion and military preparedness. All humanity cries out against injury to the innocent, especially women and children, caught up on all sides by mindless destruction aimed at “winning at all costs”. History repeats itself with seeming endless acts of aggression followed by acts of reprisal in the hope that aggression is not rewarded by lasting conquest.

How can the insanity of war be stopped? It has been the scourge of history to find one race, religion, princedom, principality, or power pitted against another with the thought that each side has moral right on their side. There is no acceptable faith or philosophy so malevolent as to encourage unjust conflict. Aggression is usually countered by justifiable self defense but an intentional aggressor often resorts to fake conditions prompting “defensive response to an enemy bent on destroying our homeland”. Modern warfare occurs when leaders of states are convinced that such action is required for survival or conquest and undertake the task of gaining necessary support within their framework of power. For the sake of humanity, as individuals we must decry such insanity. We must make our intentions become known to the extent that no leader dare act by initiating the insane cycle of war without notice and denunciation by worldwide opinion. Sad to say, when surprise aggression yields unexpected death and destruction in distant lands, the calamity strikes us with less impact and urgency than if we are directly involved as victims.

How to stop Russian aggression in Ukraine? Engage the Russian people with the concept of repatriation to Russia any who would return by offering better living conditions than offered elsewhere or otherwise, cause a change of policy at the highest level of Russian government.

How to stop the fighting in Gaza? If resistance to war was evidenced by opinion of a significant number of members throughout the world, pressure would build to resist spending resources on the war machinery and to reduce such expenditures in favor of feeding the hungry, treating the injured and housing the homeless. Symbolic opposition to war may be built through membership in voicing clear and direct opposition to any military-industrial complex that continually expands efforts to have overwhelming superior force far in excess of actual defensive need all yielding nice profits to the war industry and position of power to military decision makers.

The path to peace lies first in a cease fire supported by leading elements of each culture in conflict. Hate speech and intolerance must end. Leaders must be reasonable enough to see the insanity of war or be capable of removal from position of leadership by their subject people. Benevolent dictators are few and far between with the majority motivated by other than the benefit of the ruled populations. Those ruled must establish and/or retain the power to remove the rulers else the tyranny of power prevails. Everyone can be provided with a voice through registration to vote and thoughtful exercise thereof. One vote in opposition to war is drowned in the heat of battle but our numbers will grow to a level to be

given due consideration. Join in a worldwide effort to stop wars and end senseless slaughter.

1. How can the insanity of war be stopped?

  • War, with its devastating consequences, has plagued humanity throughout history. To stop the cycle of violence, individuals must unite in denouncing aggression and advocating for peace. This includes making intentions known globally to prevent leaders from initiating wars without widespread opposition. Symbolic opposition can be built through platforms like, voicing clear opposition to the military-industrial complex and advocating for resources to be redirected towards humanitarian efforts.

2. How can Russian aggression in Ukraine be stopped?

  • Engaging the Russian people and offering better living conditions for those who return to Russia could potentially influence a change in policy at the highest level of the Russian government. This approach aims to address underlying issues and promote reconciliation rather than military confrontation.

3. What steps can be taken to stop the fighting in Gaza?

  • Members of and individuals worldwide can exert pressure to resist spending resources on war machinery and prioritize humanitarian needs such as feeding the hungry, treating the injured, and housing the homeless. By voicing clear opposition to the military-industrial complex and advocating for peace, individuals can contribute to efforts to end senseless violence and promote reconciliation.

4. What is the path to peace in regions of conflict?

  • The path to peace begins with a ceasefire supported by influential elements within each culture in conflict. Ending hate speech and intolerance is crucial, while leaders must recognize the insanity of war or face removal from positions of leadership by their people. Empowering individuals through voter registration and exercising their right to vote can amplify voices against war and promote efforts for peace.

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  • Matthew Anderson
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  • Steven White
    Posted 12/21/2023

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  • Elizabeth Jones
    Posted 12/22/2023

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  • Victoria Shaw
    Posted 12/31/2023

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