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The results of this pivotal presidential election year are nearly complete in the 435 seats of the US House and the 34 Senate seats. For the most part the Republican Party will control government until midterm elections at which time the election cycle repeats for the full House and about one third of the Senate. This process was devised by the framers of the Constitution as a check on any administration whose legislation and administration are not in keeping with the desires of the people who, at the next election cycle, have the power through the vote to shift the course of legislation until a new cycle of Presidental selection is at hand. The will of the People may shift from one cycle to another thus keeping current with appropriate course of action to suit the needs of the People.  It is to be noted that every year the responsibility of the People to vote arises.  In the off years during which no National Congressional elections are held there may arise the need to fill a vacant position at the national level in addition to the various state requirements to fill state and local positions.  Voting is a duty that gives collective guidance to government much like other essential functions of government such as defense, disaster relief, health care or protection, it is every citizen’s responsibility to qualify, register and vote in every election held in their voting district.


The election results are in with President Elect Donald J. Trump as the Republican candidate winning the popular vote and that of the Electoral College which was wisely placed in the Constitution to assure balance between the most populated states and the least populated as a determining factor in elections.  The President Elect will be inaugurated on January 20, 2025 and in the meantime will consult with President Joseph Biden to assure a smooth transition to the new Administration.  It is important that the President Elect select members of his staff and nominate members of his Cabinet so that the governmental functions continue smoothly in the direction viewed by the new Administration as best suited for the People to be served.  It is hoped that the Democratic Party will function as a loyal opposition to add suitable amendments to proposed bills to meet the needs of all the people.  We at suggest that Social Security and Medicare funding is not only the largest budget item with a threat of insolvency, but one which both parties can join hands and work out funding through a form of consumption tax.




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