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The Drag of the Mainstream Media

With the economic, social and political problems we face here in the US it is going to be essential for the press to accurately portray President Trump and the Republican’s efforts to right the ship. Let’s face it, the situation is dire. It is dire economically. It is dire socially. It is dire internationally.

Just consider a few of the difficult problems we face:

  • In the Economic Times, CEO of JPMorgan Chase Jamie Dimon gives an economic forecast for the US that is more than sobering under the headline “Jamie Dimon’s dire warning for the economy; here’s what he said.”1 Summarized, Dimon describes “several critical global risks that could bring the US economy on an edge of collapse, that could mean danger to the financial and geopolitical stability of the country as a whole.”
  • According to a June, 2024 America First Policy Institute study “The United States has the highest rate of children in single-parent households of any nation in the world” and “Fatherless children are more likely to suffer from psychosocial development issues, live in poverty, drop out of school, engage in school violence, abuse substances, and enter the juvenile justice system.”2
  • In describing President Biden’s foreign policy The Nation concludes his effort in the international arena “reads like a series of cascading disasters—from the failed diplomatic campaign to prevent Vladimir Putin from doing the unthinkable to the frustrating efforts to persuade Volodymyr Zelensky that an invasion was imminent.”3

And these are just some of the major hurdles that we face to get the nation back on a course to success and long-term stability. And yet, after Trump’s election the mainstream press acts as if the past four years of Biden have been wonderful and the prospect of a President Trump in power is almost too horrible to consider. Instead of accurately reporting the news the mainstream press leads the opposition. These are some of the voices of the mainstream press over the same three issues.

  • The New York Times offers the ominous forecast of MSNBC’s pet economist, Steve Rattner under the headline, “Donald Trump Will Do Nothing to Bring Back Our Dying American Dream.”4
  • According to the Associated Press, the real social problem is not the deterioration of the American family but the prospective nightmare for transgender people under a Trump administration.5
  • CNN concludes that a Trump Administration will be an “unpredictable” roller coaster ride for the US. They go on to predict (ironic, is it not) that Trump will “find ways to undermine NATO; he will oversee mass deportations of illegal immigrants possibly involving the US military; he will undercut efforts to slow climate change; and he might get into a serious trade war with the world’s second-largest economy, with all the knock-on effects that might have on the global economy.”6

Instead of fairly and clearly reporting the news of the incoming administration, the mainstream press has begun to lay out a Democratic Party litany of likely Trump rollbacks for all the policies they have instituted over the past four years that drag the US down in a multitude of ways. We here at I Vote My Vote urge you to become an educated voter and good citizen.

We want Americans to be skeptical of everything the mainstream press offers about a Trump presidency. Consider every ‘anonymous’ source quoted to be a press production. Consume your news broadly both nationally and internationally. The major networks and other media of the mainstream press have demonstrated that they cannot be trusted. Even Fox news makes no secret of the fact that it is a conservative-leaning media outlet. But Fox often offers commentary by progressives. Read CNN online but also read Fox online. Listen to the Associated Press but also listen to conservative radio personalities like Atlanta commentator, Erick Erickson. Watch CBS but also watch Fox. Read the New York Times or the Washington Post but also read the Washington Times. Read Time or Newsweek but also read the National Review, the Economist online or the BBC online.

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  1. Jamie Dimon’s dire warning for the economy; here’s what he said. (2024). Economic Times. Retrieved from https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/us/jamie-dimons-dire-warning-for-the-economy-heres-what-he-said/articleshow/114218776.cms
  2. Fatherhood and Crime. (2024). America First Policy Institute. Retrieved from https://americafirstpolicy.com/issues/fact-sheet-fatherhood-and-crime
  3. Klion, D. (2024). The Great Humbling: How did Joe Biden’s foreign policy go so off course? The Nation. Retrieved from https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/biden-foreign-policy-internationalists/
  4. Rattner, S. (2024). Donald Trump Will Do Nothing to Bring Back Our Dying American Dream. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/25/opinion/donald-trump-economy-millennial-genx-working-class.html
  5. Gecker, J. & Lurye, S. (2024). Trump pledged to roll back protections for transgender students. They’re flooding crisis hotlines. The Associated Press. Retrieved from https://apnews.com/article/transgender-rights-trump-title-ix-1b9d3a1d928ea78c21372da63600c6d1
  6. Bergen, P. (2024). How different a commander in chief will Trump be? CNN.com. Retrieved from https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/17/politics/trump-foreign-policy-analysis/index.html

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