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Found within the words supporting the revolutionary concepts of liberty and independence are the justifying reasoning that taxation can subjugate and destroy a people. It is unfortunate that bills in congress often have no opportunity to be approved by THE PEOPLE before acted upon by their representatives. Bills are occasionally acted upon by representatives because of party insistence upon legislation to fit a plan, war, national catastrophe, or legislative experimentation. One need not be reminded that there have been occasions when, in haste to pass a bill, it was voted upon prior to have being read or the exact contents placed before the people in an easily understood form. The INFLATION REDUCTION ACT in total involves much more, most of which is not understood by ordinary people, and which represents increased taxation on the less than $400,000 per year earners. It would seem fit that bills in congress allow the final form of reconciliation be delayed in final vote for one month to allow the PEOPLE to understand the bill and communicate support or opposition to their representatives. In addition, the various provisions of the bill should address only the title of the bill and not contain special conditions for the powerful few. In an economy of effort Congress creates many diverse provisions in a bill without reference to them. Logical clarification of a bill should contain mention of each diverse provision, i.e., Inflation Reduction, Debt Reduction and Tax Provision Act, as an example, so as not to be influenced to believe the bill contains provisions with a single overwhelming purpose.

At this time, WE THE PEOPLE are faced with a crisis. A large army of 87,000 is about to be recruited to add to the 78,661 full time equivalent positions in conducting its work, by authorization, bearing arms to enforce collections. Who will bear the brunt of taxation? The ORDINARY PEOPLE pay the majority of taxes. Unlike the rich having lawyers and accountants to wade through the 6,871 pages of Title 26 of US code and official tax guidance bringing the total to about 75,000 pages; THE PEOPLE do not take time (about 13 to18 weeks) to read, much less understand the content. Failure to comply with IRS assessments can result in IRS control over all assets. The ordinary citizen cannot afford the legal entanglements with the IRS and has no representation to match the examiners, lawyers, courts or weapons of the IRS.

WE THE PEOPLE seek to support a fair approach to taxation that does not pit class against class, citizen and government against each other, or otherwise cause division among citizens. Placing Federal tax collection through already implemented SALES TAX COLLECTION system avoids the need for IRS structure of thousands of pages of code and implementation regulations as well as attorneys, accountants and courts to enforce collection. Anyone paying sales tax portion participates in supporting government. All those who benefit from government payments have a skin in the game (even after-tax set asides for poverty or other social considerations). A fundamental start would be implementation of sales tax collection of Social Security Tax. To do so would eliminate the payroll deductions for Medicare, individual contribution, and Employer contribution. Through sales tax, contribution would be made by everyone making purchases. Benefits would be assured under the present commitments and any worthy program for social benefit arrived at by voter approval.

After proving certainty of collection at a sufficient level to meet current needs, the sales tax portion of Social Security would only increase if provisions of the program increased at an appropriate level to meet reasonable demand.

Having established a proven workable collection system through the needs of Social Security, the final steps could be taken to implement federal tax imposition and collection through SALES TAX as outlined in the fair tax study. Thereafter there would be no need for complicated categories, exceptions, loopholes, collection agents, tax audits, arrests, trials, confiscations, midnight collection raids, tax lawyers, tax accountants. Judges, juries, or Congressional creation of Tax Code by the thousands of pages for which there results a great deal of legal challenge for those who can afford such protection.

We fervently pray that Sales Tax Collection for Social Security and all Federal Tax requirements may be implemented.

Q: What is the Sales Tax Collection system proposed for Social Security and Federal Taxation?

A: The proposal suggests shifting federal tax collection primarily to a sales tax system. Specifically, it advocates for integrating sales tax collection into Social Security taxes, eliminating payroll deductions for Medicare, individual contributions, and employer contributions.

Q: How does this system differ from the current taxation structure?

A: The current tax system is complex, with thousands of pages of tax code, regulations, and enforcement mechanisms. The proposed system aims to simplify tax collection by relying on sales tax, thereby reducing the need for IRS oversight, legal entanglements, and tax-related professions.

Q: Who will be affected by this proposed taxation system?

A: The proposed system aims to distribute the tax burden more evenly across all citizens by implementing a sales tax on purchases. Unlike the current system, which often burdens ordinary citizens disproportionately, this approach aims to ensure that everyone contributing to government revenue does so through their purchases.

Q: How will this system benefit the average citizen?

A: By simplifying tax collection and eliminating the need for payroll deductions, audits, and legal battles, the proposed system aims to make taxation more transparent and equitable. Additionally, it seeks to ensure that all citizens have a stake in government funding, regardless of their income level or tax expertise.

Q: Will this proposal affect Social Security benefits?

A: The proposal suggests implementing sales tax collection for Social Security taxes first, with the aim of maintaining current benefit commitments. Over time, adjustments may be made to ensure that the system remains sustainable and responsive to changing needs.

Q: How will the transition to this new taxation system be managed?

A: The transition would involve a gradual shift towards sales tax collection for federal taxation, starting with Social Security taxes. The process would be carefully managed to ensure continuity of government revenue and services while simplifying the tax system for all citizens.

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