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IVOTEMYVOTE Ethical standards for Candidates and Voters!


  1. I will not participate in any fraudulent behavior or give favors or compensation directly or indirectly in any form to obtain votes.
  2. I won’t pursue government contracts and will ensure the divestment of any governmental contract-related interests held by me or my family.
  3. I will engage in a truthful and honorable campaign to win office with my main efforts aimed at stating a position on an issue or proposal. If elected I will be truthful when answering questions from the press.
  4. I will be a person of virtue and not engage in behavior that brings humiliation to government, my particular office, my family or any person who otherwise would not be subject to public criticism.
  5. I will not engage in negative tactics including but not limited to, public attacks on an opponent, their family members or friends.
  6. I’m committed to fair elections, rejecting falsehoods from my organization, and requiring my approval for public statements. I’ll promptly correct any statements conflicting with my beliefs.
  7. I will abide by the findings of the ethics committee governing my elected office and resign whenever ethics violations are proven against me.
  8. I will abide by the voter primary election decisions of my political party or organization to support the winner and only oppose the winner after my resignation from the party or organization.
  9. I will limit financial support to my campaign from any one source and thereby limit undue influence.
  10. I will refuse financial support from any union whose members have had no opportunity to vote against such support.
  11. I will fully and immediately disclose necessary information to meet legal requirements for the office sought.


  1. I will not exchange my vote for favors or compensation, nor engage in fraudulent election behavior.
  2. I will encourage and support the registration of all who qualify to become voters, regardless of political opinion, race, gender, creed or economic condition or any other factor which may be in opposition to their voting rights.
  3. I will give financial and/or organizational support to the candidate and party which best represents my views.
  4. I’ll prioritize public welfare over self-interest and support causes for the betterment of all Americans’ health, safety, welfare.
  5. I will not misuse my vote to harm candidates or distort true constituents’ support for the best choice.
  6. I will ensure that all potential instances of voter fraud are promptly brought to the attention of the appropriate authorities for thorough investigation.


As a candidate, your primary responsibility is to represent your constituents and advocate for their interests. Here are some key aspects of the candidate role:


Campaigning: Candidates are expected to actively campaign to gain support and raise awareness about their platform and policies.

Developing a Platform: Candidates need to develop a comprehensive platform that outlines their positions on various issues.

Policy Research and Development: Candidates should be well-informed on a wide range of policy issues.

Engaging with the Public: You must engage with voters and community members to understand their concerns and priorities.


As a voter, you play a critical role in shaping the democratic process and selecting the leaders who will represent your interests. Here are some key aspects of the voter role:


Registration: Ensure that you are registered to vote well in advance of any elections.

Stay Informed: Stay updated on current events, political news, and candidates' platforms.

Research Candidates: Take the time to research the candidates running for office.

Participate in Primaries Elections and runoff: Participate in all election cycles where your vote will help to choose the best candidates for the office.