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About 25 thousand ILA dockworkers, rejecting offer of 50% wage increase spread over 5 years, have gone out on strike (an economic crisis) against United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) demanding no further automation of equipment and up to 77% wage increase spread over the length of the contract.

The expired contract provided:
$20/hr. for years one & two, $24.75/hr. for year three, $31.90/hr. for years four & five and $39/hr. for the sixth year.

The new union demand is for no automation and wages of
$44/hr. year one, $49/hr. year two, $54/hr. year three, $59/hr. year four, $64/hr. year five.

The ILA claim of multi-million-dollar container handling derricks at $20/hr. seems challenged by the commonsense approach of not having the least paid, least experienced worker on that equipment. The thorny part of the contract centers on the prohibition of automation which offers economy, efficiency, or worker safety in operations to a degree that warrants the expense of implementation. It seems illogical for workers to oppose automation that improves safety, but ILA position remains unclear on that point.

Viewing the automobile industry as an example, the usual effect of automation is a reduced work staff having higher responsibility and corresponding higher pay. The path of Al and automation is clearly in view with ever increasing participation at every level offering economic savings, efficiency of operations, and safety in the environment of the work site. The resulting problem of displaced workers continuing further employment centers on their ability and willingness to retrain and qualify for jobs in expanding fields such as health services and even technology and automation which caused their displacement.

Given the inevitable and unstoppable push toward Al automation the gorilla in the room becomes how to equitably distribute the eventual increased production of goods and services by the future world of near total automation.

We at ivotemyvote.com invite further citizen input to labor issues presented here so that equitable interest of the public and the rights of the worker emerge through reasonable negotiations. As far as union activity is concerned, we believe it is a reasonable concept that individuals have a right to be a member of a union to achieve appropriate goals. In that regard, ivotemyvote.com is a union of individuals seeking recognition of issues most important to them and giving support to those candidates best satisfying voter’s preferences. Within the current two party system, where there is difference of opinion with respect to any issue that is not recognized by either party, the vehicle of communication that is provided by ivotemyvote.com furnishes information on issues of concern to the voters so that either of the two parties may support or oppose the issue. At the presidential level, the rise of a third political party to champion an issue or candidate often skews results in a direction away from their original intent, conservative or liberal. It is well recognized Ross Perot ran for President of the United States in 1992, winning 19.7 million popular votes assuring a Bill Clinton victory over George Bush, and again in 1996, winning 8.4% of the popular vote again assuring Bill Clinton’s win over John Dole. In all other levels of the electoral process candidates from various parties and points of view are elected, and presently do occupy office. A better path for third party candidate success lies in seeking office as U.S. Senator or Representative elected from their state of residence and with others of similar ideology forming a coalition, outside the current two-party system, capable of greater impact of issues of common interest.

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