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An IVMV Wish For the Newly Elected Representatives to the US House , Election #3

A quick glance at the Cook Political Report seems to show that the November elections for the House of Representatives will result in continued narrow Republican control.1 With this result, it seems unlikely that the Republican leadership will be able to overcome the bitter in-fighting that has seen the replacement of Kevin McCarthy with Mike Johnson for House Speaker.

Given that the country views the competence of the US House of Representatives as lower than the media and televangelists, we here at IVMV believe that there is nowhere to go but up for the 119th House. The following are the items that we see as most important for a Republican controlled, 119th House of Representatives:

  • The House needs to get its act together and understand that the country needs the Republican majority to stand unified in support of its duly elected Speaker and his legislative plan.
  • The House needs to truly enforce its oversight responsibility and rein in the entrenched bureaucracies at the State Department, the Energy Department as well as the Justice Department with its politicized FBI and Attorney General that are running amok with the crazy policies of the left and the Democratic Party.
  • Actively pass legislation that gets the country back on track to energy independence through appropriate leasing of oil fields and support for pipelines.
  • Actively pass legislation that mandates a sensible, balanced budget to begin to get the country back on track and actually lower the national debt. (For the latest figures on the national debt see the Home page at ivotemyvote.com.)
  • Actively pass legislation that rescues the Social Security and Medicare programs through the use of a consumption tax.
  • Get to work with the Senate to pass a comprehensive immigration bill that the President can sign and enforce.

Remember, this election is about more than electing a strong and sane conservative President; it is also imperative that we elect representatives that will truly act in the best interests of the country as opposed to self interest! Make your vote count…become an informed voter at IVOTEMYVOTE.com.

  1. 2024 CPR House Race Ratings. The Cook Political Report. Retrieved from

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