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The following characterizations of fictional and real persons and events relate to a restatement of the wonderful OZ film and later interpretations in view of current political conditions as compared by the author.

There is a tornado (political campaign) which catches our heroine (KH) and her companion of unconditional love (KH husband), and throws them into the land of munchkins (party bigwigs, dominate doners) who advise that she must, by following the yellow brick road (campaign path of promises) visit the Wizard of OZ(the office of an endorsing current President) to find her way back home (winner of Presidential election 2024). On her journey our heroine encounters three fellow travelers are willing to join the pathway seeking qualities they lack, that is, the tin man who lacks a heart (Pelosi), the scarecrow who lacks a brain (your choice of several with diminished capacity) and the lion who lacks courage (main stream media). Along the yellow brick road (campaign promises) there are encountered several obstacles (changes from prior strongly held positions on issues,) or will the real PH adhere to current campaign position on issues if selected for office, so what is as important as fracking vs climate change, the border wall vs border security, economy of free money, 25K to new homebuyers who have never been responsible for resident care and management, 50K for small businesses, amnesty to immigrants given Social Security rights, no tax on tips, increased taxation on corporations (which then pass on to customers by raising prices, perhaps to a level of decline in customer market share, unprofitability and insolvency), the drop in deficit vs growing expenditure of trillions of debt money (prime cause of inflation), electric vehicles mandate, tax on undeclared earnings of 401K and other portfolio vehicles. After facing many perils, the heroine finally arrives at OZ where the Wizard gives heart, brain and courage to those in need and, through the magic of red shoes (grounding core values), returns our heroine to her happy homeland security surrounded by family and friends happy for her return to consciousness.

Thus, we end our poorly revised fiction.

Wanting to face reality, we at ivotemyvote.com have goals that we hope will agree with most voters who cast their ballot for candidates by supporting legislation:

1. That creates fiscal responsibility through balanced budget legislation; that decreases the national debt without the delays of continuing resolutions that avoid governmental shutdown.
2. That finances Social Security and Medicare to assure maintenance of meaningful benefits level at no greater cost to workers.
3. That secures border security to allow only lawful entry.
4. That increases support of manufacturing, energy and services to build a robust economy.
5. That sustains a deterrent level of military preparedness.
6. That assures public safety by proper funding of law enforcement agencies.
7. That supports international efforts to end wars of aggression.
8. That redoubles efforts to solve the problems of the homeless (especially veterans) steeped in addictions, mental illness and crime.
9.That assures the sanctity of voting by qualified individuals only and secure tabulation with proper certification.
10. That reduces governmental waste in spending taxpayer money.
11. That addresses the issues of abortion and sex defining legislation that respects the will of the majority while recognizing of the needs of the minority.
12. That provides, through proper standards, support for education to improve knowledge levels in all curricula.
13. That provides nutrition for any citizen lacking fundamental levels for good health.
14. That reduces the unconscionable expenditure of campaign funds derived from other than grassroot supporters thereby decreasing the undue influence of select stakeholders.

We invite your participation in developing meaningful legislation by setting aside apathy and becoming a member of ivotemyvote.com. This is our attempt to inform and encourage citizens active participation in their civic responsibilities to preserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all as assured by the founding fabric of our American spirit.


1. Q: What is iVoteMyVote.com? 

Ans: iVoteMyVote.com is a grassroots organization dedicated to encouraging civic participation and supporting legislation that promotes fiscal responsibility, social security, public safety, and various other pressing issues facing our communities. 

2. Q: What are the main goals of iVoteMyVote.com? 

Ans: Our goals include: 

  • Creating fiscal responsibility through balanced budget legislation. 
  • Ensuring the sustainability of Social Security and Medicare. 
  • Strengthening border security. 
  • Supporting domestic manufacturing and energy. 
  • Maintaining military preparedness. 
  • Funding law enforcement agencies properly. 
  • Addressing homelessness, especially among veterans. 
  • Safeguarding voting integrity. 
  • Reducing governmental waste. 
  • Addressing contentious issues like abortion and education. 
  • Encouraging grassroots funding for campaigns to diminish outside influence. 

3. Q: How can I get involved? 

Ans: You can join our movement by becoming a member at iVoteMyVote.com, participating in discussions, and advocating for the legislation that aligns with our goals. Your voice matters! 

4. Q: Why is civic engagement important? 

Ans: Civic engagement is vital for a healthy democracy. It ensures that citizens have a say in the decision-making processes that affect their lives and communities. By participating, you help preserve the rights and freedoms guaranteed by our founding principles. 

5. Q: How does iVoteMyVote.com plan to achieve its goals? 

Ans: We aim to achieve our goals by advocating for specific legislative measures, educating voters on important issues, and mobilizing community action to ensure that elected officials prioritize the needs of their constituents.

6. Q: What kind of educational resources do you offer?

Ans: We provide resources on key issues, legislative proposals, and the voting process. This includes articles, guides, and updates on relevant events that affect our community and country. 

7. Q: Can I suggest legislation or topics for discussion?

Ans: Absolutely! We encourage all members to share their ideas and concerns. Your input is invaluable in shaping our initiatives and ensuring we address the most pressing issues. 

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