September 11th was an event that stopped time for the United States. Citizens in the United States watched in horror as New York's first responders scrambled to save lives and assess damages. Comedian Jon Stewart was at the forefront for a Congressional hearing on reauthorizing September 11th Victim Compensation Funds. Jon Stewart is a strong…
On this year’s (2023) anniversary of the 9-11 attack that killed 2,977 innocent people here in the US1 in New York, PBS did an online study asking several ‘experts’ if US intelligence agencies should have known about the attack and stopped it in the days prior to it.2 In an interview linked from the study,…
In view of the cliché, "A LEOPARD DOES NOT CHANGE ITS SPOTS," however, a chameleon will change to match the surroundings, let us examine the resent statements of Kamala Harris on the subjects near and dear to her core beliefs and investigate the length of past positions judge of the future re-flip.
Climate change negatively impacting…